Laboratory Building

In the era of Information Technology, communication and network constitute the core of the information exchange. This has been visualized in every corner of the Institute through the networking map. DA-IICT has a modern, eco-friendly, fully networked campus with optical fiber cable connectivity between buildings. It has state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, computing and communication resources, electronic access controls and a payment system through smart cards. More than 1200 nodes connected via 100 Mbps switches and a 1 Gbps Fiber backbone form the superstructure of the network. Each Computer is at least a Pentium IV multi OS, fully connected terminal. Thus ensuring that there is atleast one high end computer available to each student and faculty within the campus. Each terminal is not only loaded with the basic softwares, but also allows students access to the more sophisticated design tools.

The laboratory building houses state-of-the-art teaching and research laboratories for electronics, communications, computers and networks. More than eight hundred computers are installed in these laboratories. Students use resources of laboratories (open until midnight) to solve problems, perform developmental experiments and work on projects guided by faculty.

By granting 24 hours lab facility and access to the network from each class room and lecture theater information is made easily accessible from any point within the campus. The students are provided a 4 Mbps line for their hostel rooms as well allowing them every opportunity to spend time exploring and utilizing the resources offered and available anywhere anytime.

The labs provide extensive research facilities due to their classifications and specializations on the basis of the research to be carried out. The lab structure has been divided into the following categories.

The MMD Labs: The Multimedia Labs, these labs have state-of-the-art equipment to allow designers to truly harness their creativity without having to worry about technical difficulties. With a main Apple Xserver having a 2.5 Terabyte capacity, Apple iMate, iBooks (G5) and HP based high end systems this lab has systems to cater to all needs. The softwares available to students in this lab include those like Apple Works, Maya, Adobe Photoshop CS2, Sony Soundforge Pro, AutoCAD and 3DMax. The Sound Studio of this lab is at par with any international standard.

The Grid Lab: The Grid lab consists of a grid of 20 dedicated servers build using Globus toolkit. This lab is where most of the current research into Service Oriented Computing and distributed computing especially different grid architectures take place.

The Networks Lab: The Network Lab allows students to operate and configure networking equipment like Routers, mail/http/name servers, and to use and create wireless networks. The availability of LAN trainer kits and network simulators ensure that students have all the tools required to fully understand the concepts behind what they are doing.

The VLSI Lab: This consists of three labs: the two main labs have complete access to the tools required for design and implementation in VLSI including access to Xilinx FPGAs, Mentor Graphics tools (multi-user licenses) and Cadence tools.

The RF Lab: The RF lab consists of specialized RF equipment including three types of spectrum analyzers: Agilent make in the range of 3 KHz to 3 GHz, Hameg make around 1 GHz and LG make within frequency range of 9 KHz to 2.75 GHz. Signal generators from Agilent that are able to operate over the range of 250 KHz – 3 GHz and Network Analyzers are also part of this lab. There are CDMA trainers and Antenna training sets to help expose the students to the concepts in modern communications.

The Language Lab: We also have an English Language Lab with Linguaphone and Globarena software available for students to use.  Though the software can be used independently, as there is self-monitoring feed back facility for users, we have provision for Teaching Assistants’ help as an additional resource for the students with language handicaps.

The Computational Science and HPC Lab: The computational science lab is designed to meet the high end computing and visualization requirements of both the students and faculty. Currently, it has 30 Desktops with Intel i5 quad core processors, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA graphics card, with Scientific Linux operating systems. The Computers have the entire GNU compiler suite – gcc, g++, and g77, Java Execution and Development Environments, Python programming language, Matplotlib, Numpy and Scipy, Parallel Programming Libraries and tools such as OpenMP – API for directing multi-threaded shared memory parallelism, CUDA toolkit 6.5, GNU Gprof – performance analysis tool for Unix applications and important Scientific Software such as Scilab; Octave, R – software environment for statistical computing and graphics and Gnuplot and Paraview for visualization. In addition, there is also a High Performance Computing Cluster (GICS Cluster) with 1 Master Node, 2 (16 Core, 32 GB RAM) compute Nodes, 2 (16 core, 128 GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750) CPU + GPU Nodes and 76 CPU Cores. The GICS cluster runs on Scientific Linux and has OPENMPI, Cuda 7 toolkit, Torque and OpenMP cluster tool.