Internal Quality Assurance Cell at DAIICT

In pursuance of the National Action Plan of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, the NAAC proposes that every accredited institution establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Quality enhancement is a continuous process and hence IQAC is expected to be an important part of the system. It works towards enhancement and sustenance of the entire institute. IQAC is expected to help the institute to realize the goals to become an institute of excellence. The focus of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious and consistent improvement in the performance of the institute. The IQAC will make a significant and meaningful contribution in the post-accreditation phase of institutions

The objectives of the IQAC

  • Ensuring a continuous improvement in the operation, both academic and administrative, of the Institute
  • Obtaining continuous and useful feedback from all stakeholders of the institute. Stake holders include faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, employers and funding agencies.
  • Developing quality bench marks / parameters for the various Academic and Administrative activities of the Institute.
  • Exploring various quality parameters of Higher Education and best practices followed by other Institutions and implemented those in the institute
  • Preparing Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR).

Functions of IQAC

  • Assess the goals and objectives of the Institute as stated in vision and mission.
  • Develop a prospective plan for the Institute for Quality Improvement by making action plan in the following areas:
    1. Teaching learning process
    2. Infrastructure
    3. Student support
    4. Research and Development
    5. Retaining and attracting the faculty
  • Make resolutions and frame policies and plans pertaining to the above mentioned quality improvement.
  • Evaluate and Monitor the resolutions passed and framed policies.
  • Assess the feedback or the stakeholder for the taking corrective measures and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Institutional process.
  • Monitor the academic leadership and faculty participation in various functional committees.
  • Assess the management of human resources.
  • Make strategies to empower faculty.
  • Monitor the effective use of financial resources and financials management.

Take inputs from the External experts/Industry experts and incorporate the same in Institutional development process.

Members of IQAC

The composition of the new IQAC is as follows (effective 1 January 2021)

1 Chairperson: Head of the Institution
1 Dr. K.S. Dasgupta Director, DA-IICT – Chairman IQAC Member by position
2 A few senior administrative officers
2 Mr. Soman Nair Executive Registrar Member by position
3 Prof. Binita Desai Chairperson, Gender Cell Member by position
4 Prof. Maniklal Das Dean (AP) Member by position
5 Prof. M.V. Joshi Dean (R&D) Member by position
6 Prof. Ranendu Ghosh Dean (Students) Member by position
3 Three to eight teachers
7 Prof. Aditya Tatu Associate Professor Member by name (for his role as the PG Convenor)
8 Prof. Ahlad Kumar Assistant Professor Member by name (for his role as the Placement Committee Convenor)
9 Prof. Sanjay Srivastava Professor Member by name (for his role as the Faculty Representative in the ExCom of Alumni Association)
10 Prof. V. Sunitha Professor Member by name (for her role as the UG Convenor)
4 One member from the Management
11 TBA
5 One/two nominees from local society, Students and Alumni
12 Anmol Dixit (201701038) SBG Convenor Member by position
13 Parita Patel (201801193) BTech (ICT) student Member by name
14 Riddhi Tanna (201801427) BTech (ICT with Hons in CS) student Member by name
15 Pararth Dave (202018016) MSc (DS) Member by name
16 Hima Patel (200411001) IBM, Bengaluru; Alumni Representative Member by name
17 Amit Kumar Shah (200101049) first batch BTech (ICT) student, based in Ahmedabad, running his own company; Alumni Representative Member by name
6 One/two nominees from Employers /Industrialists/stakeholders
18 Mr. Paul Cherian Managing Director, Morgan Stanley, Bengaluru Member as company’s representative or his nominee
19 Mr. Nilesh Ranpura Delivery Manager – ASIC, eINFOCHIPS-Arrow company Member as company’s representative or his nominee
20 Mr. Giridharan Surendran Sr. Director (Engineering), FactSet Systems, Hyderabad Member as company’s representative or his nominee
7 One of the senior teachers as the coordinator/Director of the IQAC
21 Dr. Anil Roy Director, IQAC Member by position

Past IQACs

Past Meetings

December 2020

January 2020

March 2018

March 2017

September 2016

July 2015
